Blacks rape whites 1000x more than whites rape blacks. Ironically, Geocities, the Internet provider that hosts RevWhite's homepage, is lauded on HateWatch as an ISP with a "no hate pages policy," though the site boasts links with slogans like "Thank God for AIDS," and such declarations as, "Negroids commit more crime than any group in history. to somehow prove that I am, as he claims. "After that, he'd come on IRC with nicks like 'KillJudi,'" Judi says. "This guy is the worst I've ever seen," says Web designer John Leth-Nissen, whose nickname on the Undernet (or "nick" in IRC parlance) is "Deadelvis." Undernet administrators claim that RevWhite and his supporters have forged email and Usenet posts, unleashed denial-of-service attacks, posted unlisted telephone numbers, and made direct threats to those who voice opposition or assist IRC channels targeted by RevWhite's campaign.Īt least one Undernet operator, whose nick was "Judi," resigned her volunteer post following threats made to her life and that of her 9-year-old daughter after she "reopped" a gay channel disrupted by RevWhite. RevWhite has been joined in his crusade by at least one vocal supporter, Don Ellis, whose Web site, The American Guardian, promotes many of the same values as RevWhite's own Maryland Christian Politics site. the most feared man on IRC," the self-proclaimed "Christian Realist" charges that the Undernet "supports child porn," and vows to lead an "IRC Watch" campaign, using the nickname "RevWhite," until the network is purged of chat channels like #gayboysex. An evangelist who claims that his God-given calling is to "make America straighter and whiter" is causing anguish on the Undernet, a global affiliation of Internet Relay Chat channels that bills itself as "the friendly network." Calling himself "Reverend White.