Use info-bar instead of modal dialog for 'Conversion complete'."Multiple Values" Implementation in EditAudioTags dialog.'Edit Audio Tags' feature specific for the output file.In Edit Audio Tags dialog, open an info screen to inform user why Save tags to Source is Disabled.Additional information in status bar about output format and encoder settings.Move "Same as Source" functionality to Encoder settings.Match source functionality in Wav encoder settings.Add Infobar to display Conversion status for Paid version.Support m4a tag writing for files over 4GB.

For upgrade pricing go to with your old registration ID number and Key. Please be aware if you purchased more than 6 months ago you may need to purchase an upgrade to use the current version. To find out what version of the software you are currently using, click Help on the menu bar at the top of the program's window (not the Help button on the toolbar), and then click "About Switch Sound File Converter".